Economic Development

08-12-2020 and the Institute for Futures Research are proud to announce their partnership to Rebuild the Economy at regional level for the African continent. We have joined forces in IgniteFuture.Today to facilitate the thinking and decision-making to Rebuild the Economy for the post-COVID era.

We are in the middle of a crisis that some call a ‘perfect storm: Bankruptcy: large companies fail and so do SMEs and Micro SMEs; Unemployment: skyrocketing in every country at a pace we have never seen before; Digitization: every sector needs to speed up to survive; Business Models: ‘Just in Case’ and being shockproof becomes the norm; Public versus Private: public sector offers financial lifeline but that cannot continue forever; Pandemic: it is expected that COVID-19 will have a successor in COVID-20, etc.; Climate Change: we have seen the negative effect on nature almost in real time as the economy stalled; Migration: In Europe from East to West and after Brexit from West to East. In short: there is a global need to Rebuild the Economy.

A traditional approach to economic development would suggest a gradual, stepwise implementation of interventions, typically spanning many years before results become visible. We do not have the luxury of time now.

We have to act fast and results driven. In order to see the rapid results so desperately needed by our most vulnerable communities, interventions should be implemented in parallel across as many economic sectors and communities as possible. Certain sectors and communities may be prioritised due to budgetary allocation. It is important to realise that the sooner we are able to ignite a sector or a community, the sooner they are able to support themselves, and the sooner they put money back into the economy to further enable socio-economic development.

This is our moonshot:

• Empower People - match people with work and education to make decent income

• Vibrant Culture - celebrate innovation and entrepreneurship to create more jobs

• Economic Growth - support SMEs to offer job opportunities for the community

We deliver the following value:

• Support Individuals and Employers. The platform is available to each region in their local language. We establish a SupportersDesk as a Social Enterprise in every participating region to enrol existing companies and educational institutions to the platform. Companies are enabled to publish vacancies and internships and are automatically matched with the best candidates.

• Life-Long Learning. Match every user with personal learning advice to increase their success on the labour market. To be able to make this match, we connect educational institutions to the platform. They can publish their offering on the platform. Stronger bonds between education institutions and their alumni are facilitated and internships are offered to all of their students.

• Big Data Analysis. We supply access to CockpitWork - our innovative big data analysis tool. This instrument supports decision-makers from all stakeholders to improve the quality and speed of their decision-making.

• Monitoring & Evaluation. Effective and efficient project management is monitored based on structured key performance indicators. High-quality outcome and impact measurement through 24/7 data availability on the platform. Transparency towards all partners facilitates trusted collaboration and allows to adjust project activities where necessary.

IgniteFuture.Today - Rebuild Economy.


SMRT.BIO builds a thriving economy by doing things right. To make this happen, we need you. The future of regions depends heavily on the development capacity of their inhabitants. builds a thriving economy by unleashing their talents. We link all key stakeholders in the labour market to Rebuild the Economy for the post-COVID era. We include the planet as one of the stakeholders. No solution is perfect in isolation. There is no silver bullet. Through collaboration, we find new answers to better questions. contributes to 8 out of 17 SDGs of the United Nations. We focus on SDG-8: ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’. - Unleash Your Talents.



The Institute for Futures Research undertakes futures research, trains corporates and individuals in the use of futures thinking tools, and offers various publications to keep clients updated on what is waiting on the horizon. Overall, our services are aimed at helping clients to acquire strategic foresight in order to make better long-range decisions. This will enable them to sense opportunities and mitigate risks in good time.

The IFR is housed at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. It is the first and only Futures Institute of its kind on the African continent. Institute for Futures Research